Books & E-books

Blitsverkopers, beeldvorming en bemarking

Watter faktore dra daartoe by dat ʼn literêre werk suksesvol is en selfs as ʼn blitsverkoper bestempel kan word? Is dit die literêre gehalte daarvan; die sogenaamde intrinsieke eienskappe soos komposisie, struktuur of meerduidigheid; kortom “the amount and diversity of material integrated” in die woorde van Wellek en Warren? Of kan sukses toegeskryf word aan suksesvolle bemarking; die skrywer se ‘postuur’ en selfposisionering; én aan die wyse waarop die motiewe en tema van die boek aansluit by heersende diskoerse? In hierdie baanbrekerswerk val die klem op laasgenoemde, naamlik die sogenaamde ekstrinsieke aspekte. ʼn Boek met waardevolle insigte vir veral uitgewers, bemarkers 

en letterkundiges. 

Author Joanita Erasmus-Alt & H.P. van Coller

ISBN 978-1-928424-82-6 (print)

978-1-928424-83-3 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 399

Price R 495 (print); R 300 (e-book)

Publication Date December 2021

Woordeboek Afrikaans-/Xam - /Xam-Afrikaans

/Xam is die taal wat gepraat is deur die /Xam-Boesmans wat binne menseheugenis suid van die Oranjerivier gewoon het, in die gebied wat vroeër bekend was as die Kaapkolonie. Mettertyd het Hollands en later Afrikaans hulle taal van voorkeur geword, en die /Xam-taal het in onbruik geraak. Hierdie amper vergete taal is hoofsaaklik deur WHI en DF Bleek opgeteken, en dit vorm ʼn belangrike deel van die kulturele erfenis van tallose nasate van die /Xam en ander San wat vandag Afrikaanssprekend is. Hierdie woordeboek is onontbeerlik vir almal wat deel is van hierdie erfenis, veral in hierdie tyd van hernieude belangstelling in die Eerste Mense en hulle eie identiteit, kultuur en taal. Die /Xam-taal het ʼn invloed gehad op al die ander tale in die land, wat veral gesien kan word in plekname en name van diere. Hierdie woordeboek sal nuttig wees vir studente, navorsers en belangstellendes, asook vir pleknaamowerhede wat die brontale van name moet bepaal.

Author Peter E. Raper

ISBN 978-1-928424-78-9 (print)

978-1-928424-79-6 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Books

Format Softcover

Page count 188

Price R 345 (print); R 275 (e-book)

Publication Date May 2021

Nuns Across the Orange

When Sister Emma and the five women who accompanied her from England crossed the Orange River early in 1874, they exchanged the comfortable mainstream of Anglican Church life for the rigours of pioneering new works in an undeveloped country. Living conditions were primitive, travel was hard, and money was always in short supply. The newly-formed Community of St Michael and All Angels opened the first girls’ schools north of the Orange and the first hospital in the Free State. At Kimberley, Sister Henrietta achieved a world first through her successful campaign for the State Registration of nurses. Four Sisters were besieged in Kimberley during the Anglo-Boer War, and in Bloemfontein their Mother House became a military hospital. By faith and determination the Community recovered. St Michael’s School was raised to new standards of excellence, while the Sisters expanded their mission to include Lesotho and the eastern Free State. Decades of work with Bloemfontein’s sick and deprived led to Sister Enid becoming known as Ma Mohau (Mother of Mercy), and to national acclaim in the 1970s as South Africa’s Mother Teresa. This book studies the development of the Community’s religious life, and charts the progress of their work among all races from their foundation until the death of the last Sister in 2016. 

Author Michael Sparrow

ISBN 978-1-928424-62-8 (print)

978-1-928424-63-5 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Books

Format Softcover

Page count 578

Price R 690 (print); R 400 (e-book)

Publication Date April 2021

Die wonderbare Heilige Gees

Die wonderbare Heilige Gees én die Vader van liefde – ‘n Missionêre teologie, is based on the Old and New Testament. Its main focus is the Holy Spirit, the third person in the Holy Trinity. It is furthermore meant to be a beacon of hope for hopeless people that are surrounded with poverty, corruption, racism and crime. It encourages missionary work, since it is an integral part of missional theology, and to proclaim God’s message to the world and live according to His will.

Author Pieter Verster

ISBN 978-1-928424-74-1 (print)

978-1-928424-75-8 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 225

Price R 299 (print); Free (e-book)

Publication Date December 2020

Voices past and present: A comparison of Old Cape dialectal, Bushman and Khoikhoi words

The preservation of South Africa’s indigenous languages – the extinct Bushman and Khoikhoi languages in particular – is a pressing concern. Voices Past and Present serves as a comprehensive, scholarly and practical source for documenting and preserving some of them. The subcontinent of Africa has been inhabited by Bushman, Khoikhoi and Bantu-speaking peoples for thousands of years, and, for the past few centuries, also by European-speaking peoples. Contact between these peoples brought about changes in the different languages. As a result, modern languages are no longer identical to the original ones, many of which, especially in the case of the Bushman and Khoikhoi languages, have become extinct. Words used in ancient times and recorded long ago often bear no resemblance to their modern counterparts. In this book, Peter E. Raper provides a detailed investigation of the earliest recordings of words available. Words from Old Cape dialects are compared for correspondences in sound and meaning to words from 29 Bushman languages and dialects, as well as to words from Nama, Koranna, Griqua, !Xuhn, !Xoon, Khwe and N/uu. Voices Past and Present provides an extensive corpus of words that can be further utilised for the purpose of shedding light on the specific languages from which the recorded words (and names) were derived, on historical distribution of the various groups, on the classification of the different languages and peoples, for determining relationships or otherwise between the different languages, potentially identifying components of place-names and ethnonyms from ancient and extinct languages, and elucidating other matters that have long vexed scholars who have complained about a lack of recorded data.

Author Peter E. Raper

ISBN 978-1-928424-48-2 (print)

978-1-928424-49-9 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 481

Price R 650 (print); R 520 (e-book)

Publication Date December 2020

Churches in the mirror - Developing contemporary ecclesiologies

Ecclesiology is the study of the church and has two focal points; the one is the historical and doctrinal perspective on the church, and the other is the church as situated in a local context in the sense of the local practices of actual congregations. The ecclesiology or, more correctly, the ecclesiologies of this volume mainly focuses on the second aspect, i.e., understanding the local congregation or parish as a community of believers. A congregation may firstly be described by posing a theological question: What is the local missional church or congregation all about? This question may be answered from different perspectives, but it remains essential to answer it from a theological perspective. The first five chapters in this book focus mainly on a theological understanding of the congregation. This is done from different disciplines within the study field of theology. Congregations are, secondly, social realities and should be described and analysed through an analytical or empirical lens, or, to answer the question attached to the first empirical-descriptive task of practical theology, “What is going on?”. The remaining chapters use a quantitative and qualitative lens and give an empirical analysis of the congregation. The intention is to critically reflect on the church and congregations’ ecclesiology from a theological and analytical perspective with an emphasis on the South African context. It wants to map markers for the development of contemporary ecclesiologies, and the different chapters are meant as mirrors to look in and reflect on the theological and contextual relevance of denominations and congregations in South Africa.

Editor Kobus Schoeman

ISBN 978-1-928424-70-3 (print)

978-1-928424-71-0 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 289

Price R 425 (print); Free (e-book)

Publication Date December 2020

Engaging the Fourth Industrial Revolution - Perspectives from theology, philosophy and education

The reality of a radically changing world is beyond dispute. The notion of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a heuristic key for the world of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, quantum computing, big data, the internet of things, and biotechnology. The discussion of emerging technologies and the Fourth Industrial Revolution highlights urgent questions about issues like intention, function, risk, and responsibility. This publication stimulates further reflection, ongoing conversation, and eventually the production of more textured thinking. The conversation with technology and with thinkers on technology holds the promise of a certain fecundity, the possibility to see deeper into human evolution, but also, may be, into the future of humankind.

Editor Jan-Albert van den Bergh

ISBN 978-1-928424-50-5 (print)

978-1-928424-51-2 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 234

Price R 395 (print); Free (e-book)

Publication Date December 2020

South African Christian Experiences: From colonialism to democracy

Some of the studies in this publication excavate lost or disappearing indigenous toponyms. Those researchers contribute in a very concrete way to the preservation of indigenous toponyms, and thereby also the associated cultural heritage. The other papers explore how place naming functions as a mechanism with which to create mental maps and exert socio-political power.

Author Kelebogile Thomas Resane

ISBN 978-1-928424-98-7 (print)

978-1-928424-99-4 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 330

Price R 496 (print); R 396 (e-book)

Publication Date December 2020

A Scientific Bibliography of the Drakensberg, Maloti and Adjacent Lowlands

This bibliography includes scientific articles on the Drakensberg, Maloti and Adjacent Lowlands published between 1808 and 2019. Although focussing on material appearing in accredited journals, there is such a wealth of information in the form of unpublished, yet traceable, reports, documents, presentations and dissertations, these are also included. The bibliography has two parts – a complete list arranged alphabetically, and the same references arranged in 33 different disciplines. These range from Palaeobotany with 17 entries, to Rock Art with 502 entries.

Author Rodney Moffett

ISBN 978-1-928424-44-4 (print)

978-1-928424-45-1 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 534

Price R 685 (print); R 500 (e-book)

Publication Date December 2020

Relating the South African soil taxonomy to the World Reference Base for soil resources

The South African Taxonomic soil classification system (SAT) is well established and utilised in South Africa. However, it is not internationally well known and therefore the need arose to provide a tool by which South African soil taxonomists can convert South African soil classifications and profile descriptions to the international classifications of the World Reference Base (WRB) for soil resources. The diagnostics and tacit knowledge presented in this publication are therefore based on the SAT and the WRB. When necessary, further substantiation was derived from the Land Type Survey of South Africa. The adopted procedure is effective in providing a reasonable classification based on the South African soil forms and families, while excluding certain WRB soil groups and qualifiers, because these are irrelevant to South African taxonomy. Lastly, this publication also highlights some peculiarities, omissions and inconsistencies observed between the SAT and WRB.

Author CW van Huyssteen

ISBN 978-1-928424-67-3 (print)

978-1-928424-66-6 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 124

Price R 280 (print); R 224 (e-book)

Publication Date December 2020

Recognition, Regulation, Revitalisation: Place Names and Indigenous Languages

Recognition, Regulation, Revitalisation: Place Names and Indigenous Languages is a selection of double-blind peer-reviewed papers from the 5th International Symposium on Place Names that took place 18-20 September 2020 in Clarens, South Africa. The symposium celebrated 2019 as the International Year of Indigenous Languages as declared by the United Nations.

Editor Chrismi-Rinda Loth

ISBN 978-1-928424-68-0 (print)

978-1-928424-69-7 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Conference

Format Softcover

Page count 248

Price R 375 (print); R 300 (e-book)

Publication Date December 2020

A Passage of Nostalgia: The Life and Work of Jacobus Kloppers

These proceedings are the outcome of international collaboration between Southern African and international scholars. As such, it is a valuable resource to local as well as international scholars who are interested in the interdisciplinary field of toponomy.

Editor Martina Viljoen

ISBN 978-1-928424-72-7 (print)

978-1-928424-73-4 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 349

Price R 475 (print); R 300 (e-book)

Publication Date December 2020

Obediece and Servant Leadership: Apollis, Appies, Buti, Buys

In celebrating a quarter of a century of the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (URSCA) (1994 2019), quite a few well-organised activities and events took place. These activities reflect a mix of serious academic seminars and liturgical celebrations of which the ones in the Cape, both in Belhar and at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) warrant special mention. In his sermon based on John 17 at the closing liturgical celebration at UWC, Prof Daan Cloete raised several pertinent issues pertaining to unity and justice as a challenge to the leadership of URCSA. Despite all the significant events taking place throughout the year (2019), there has been a major deficit. Attempts at serious historiography are few and far between. This book is an attempt at starting such a study process. However, to put it modestly, to contribute to the writing of the history of the URCSA. It has been resolved to start right at the beginning: the founding synod of URCSA with a specific focus on the constituting moderature. The book discusses the issues that were looming large at the founding Synod in 1994 which captures the ‘miracle’ and the euphoria that emerged amidst some delicate matters and issues that would have posed some serious impediments that would have jeopardise the unification before it even started. In calling into service the pastoral or praxis cycle the contributions of the first moderature of URCSA: Rev Nick Apollis (moderator), Rev Leonardo Appies (Scriba Synodii) Rev Dr Sam Buti (Assessor) and Rev JD Buys (Actuaris), of the 1994 General Synod elections are presented in this book. The authors were interested in answering the question: In what way did the moderature members of URCSA assist in the transformation of church and society? The book showcases, how not only systems and structures are essential in transformation processes, but people – who take up the task in obedience and servitude.

Author Eugene Baron & Nico A. Botha

ISBN 978-1-928424-76-5 (print)

978-1-928424-77-2 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 252

Price R 395 (print); R 316 (e-book)

Publication Date December 2020

Engaging Students: Using Evidence to Promote Student Success

The book provides a rich, informative picture of the current state of student engagement evaluation, while also highlighting challenges and opportunities for future advances. A particular strength of this publication is its emphasis on the importance of taking evidence-based decisions, and showing how the South African Survey of Student Engagement (SASSE) can provide the evidence for well-informed changes in policy and practice in order to enhance student success.” – Prof Magda Fourie-Malherbe, Stellenbosch University

Editor Francois Strydom, George Kuh & Sonja Loots

ISBN 978-1-928424-08-6 (print)

978-1-928424-09-3 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 242

Price R 335 (print); R 270 (e-book)

Publication Date 2020

Child and Adolescent Development

The development of children is one of the most fascinating wonders of life. From the moment conception takes place until the end of adolescence when the person enters the adult world, the developmental road is characterised by numerous miracles and mysteries. In this book, the authors are sharing their training and experience in the field of child psychology, not only as a clinical and counselling psychologist respectively, but also as the proud parents of two children, a grandson and a granddaughter.

The target audience of this book is primarily undergraduate students in psychology, education, social work, psychiatry and related disciplines. The nature and extent of Child and Adolescent Development, however, also makes it suitable for use on the postgraduate level (especially where this field was not a focus area in the undergraduate course). Furthermore, the book contains valuable information which will be of interest to anyone who has an interest in child and adolescent development.

Author Dap Louw & Anet Louw

ISBN 978-1-928424-47-5 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Books

Format e-book

Page count 477

Price R 495 (e-book)

Publication Date 2020

Die ontwikkeling van die kind en die adolessent

The development of children is one of the most fascinating wonders of life. From the moment conception takes place until the end of adolescence when the person enters the adult world, the developmental road is characterised by numerous miracles and mysteries. In this book, the authors are sharing their training and experience in the field of child psychology, not only as a clinical and counselling psychologist respectively, but also as the proud parents of two children, a grandson and a granddaughter.

The target audience of this book is primarily undergraduate students in psychology, education, social work, psychiatry and related disciplines. The nature and extent of Child and Adolescent Development, however, also makes it suitable for use on the postgraduate level (especially where this field was not a focus area in the undergraduate course). Furthermore, the book contains valuable information which will be of interest to anyone who has an interest in child and adolescent development.

Author Dap Louw & Anet Louw

ISBN 978-1-928424-53-6 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Books

Format e-book

Page count 475

Price R 495 (e-book)

Publication Date 2020

Adult Development and Ageing

Adult development – a life span that could easily be four to five times longer than that of childhood – is an important discipline in its own right. As life expectancy is increasing more rapidly than at any other time in human history, scientific knowledge about adult development and especially ageing will become even more crucial.
Some younger students may wonder whether learning about adult development is relevant for them. It definitely is. First, adult development is about the ‘future you’. It is about the remarkable journey most of you have already entered and the fascinating life journey that lies ahead of you. Second, the information in the book should help you to understand all other adults better, including those close to you such as your parents, grandparents, and other older family members. Therefore, we believe that you will not only enjoy studying this book, but also find it enriching.

Author Dap Louw & Anet Louw

ISBN 978-1-928424-46-8 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Books

Format e-book

Page count 557

Price R 495 (e-book)

Publication Date 2020

Human Development for Students in Southern Africa

Human Development for Students in South Africa, is a combination of two titles, namely: (1) Child and Adolescent Development, and (2) Adult development and Ageing.

Author Dap Louw & Anet Louw

ISBN 978-1-928424-52-9 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Books

Format e-book

Page count 477 & 557

Price R 799 (e-book)

Publication Date 2020

Construction Safety Pocketbook for South Africa

Construction is one of the oldest activities known to mankind, yet it is an industry where the health, safety and wellbeing of people are often at risk. While South African construction safety laws and regulations are up-to-date, the accidents, injuries and fatalities at construction sites remain a challenge.

This pocketbook, which is based on the 2014 Construction Regulations, serves as a handy reference guide addressing the most common hazards facing construction workers.

Author Fidelis A. Emuze

ISBN 978-1-928424-40-6 (print)

978-1-928424-41-3 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 73

Price R 125 (print); R 100 (e-book)

Publication Date December 2020

Konstruksieveiligheid Sakboekie vir Suid-Afrika

Konstruksie is een van die oudste aktiwiteite bekend aan die mens; tog is dit ‘n industrie waar die gesondheid, veiligheid en welstand van mense dikwels in gevaar is. Terwyl die wette en regulasies om beserings en skade in konstruksie in Suid-Afrika te voorkom, gelykstaande is aan dié van die meeste ontwikkelde lande, bly die vlak van ongelukke, beserings en sterftes ‘n uitdaging. Die Konstruksie Regulasies van 2003 was ‘n poging om die situasie te verbeter en is vervolgens hersien en geproklameer as Konstruksie Regulasies 2014. Veldnavorsing het egter getoon dat voldoening aan die regulasies beperk word deur lae vlakke van bewustheid en kennis op konstruksieterreine regdeur die land. Hierdie sakboekie beoog om te help om hierdie probleem te oorkom. Die doel van die sakboekie is om voldoeningsgebaseerde veiligheid te verbeter. Werkers en professionele persone belas met voltooiing van konstruksietake is op voldoening ingestel. Alhoewel dit ‘n minimum op ‘n bouterrein is, is voldoening nodig om regulasies, reëls en beleide wat lewens in konstruksie beskerm, na te kom. Hierdie boekie dien as ‘n handige verwysingsbron oor die algemene gevare en risiko’s wat op konstruksieterreine ondervind word en is gebaseer op die Konstruksie Regulasies 2014. Saamgestel in die vorm van ‘moet’- en ‘moenie’-kontrolelyste, is die sakboekie bedoel om op die terrein gebruik te word deur diegene betrokke by toonaangewende aktiwiteite in konstruksieprojekte in Suid-Afrika en is dit ontwerp om in die sak van konstruksiewerkers se klere te pas.

Author Fidelis A. Emuze

ISBN 978-1-928424-56-7 (print)

978-1-928424-57-4 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 73

Price R 125 (print); R 100 (e-book)

Publication Date December 2020

Pocketbook ea Polokeho ea Kaho bakeng sa Afrika Boroa

Construction is one of the oldest activities known to mankind, yet it is an industry where the health, safety and wellbeing of people are often at risk. While South African construction safety laws and regulations are up-to-date, the accidents, injuries and fatalities at construction sites remain a challenge.

This pocketbook, which is based on the 2014 Construction Regulations, serves as a handy reference guide addressing the most common hazards facing construction workers.

Author Fidelis A. Emuze

ISBN 978-1-928424-58-1 (print)

978-1-928424-59-8 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 79

Price R 125 (print); R 100 (e-book)

Publication Date December 2020

Basotho Medicinal Plants / Meriana ya dimela tsa Basotho - Second Edition

As a Mosotho I believe this publication assists in documenting the deep indigenous knowledge of our forefathers and helps preserve the proud tradition of the Basotho Nation. – Dr Chris Nhlapo, Vice-Chancellor, Cape Peninsula University of Technology. This publication is an important contribution to the documentation of medicinal plant use by the Basotho. It contains a comprehensive list of known medicinal plants, their up-to-date scientific names, their vernacular names, as well as their uses. This book will appeal to experts, as well as to readers who are unfamiliar with traditional medicinal plant uses. – Professor Ntsamaeeng Moteetee, Department of Botany and Plant Technology, University of Johannesburg

Author Rodney Moffett

ISBN 978-1-928424-60-4 (print)

978-1-928424-61-1 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 204

Price R 350 (print); R 280 (e-book)

Publication Date 2020

Communion Ecclesiology in a racially polarised South Africa

Communion Ecclesionlogy by Dr. K.T. Resane explores the concept of a communion ecclesiology in South Africa. The book provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of the concept in the Bible, in history and in different church traditions including the African Initiated Churches. The book also focuses on the different cultural groups in South Africa as they were organised within theological traditions. – Prof. S.D. Snyman, University of the Free State

Author Kelebogile T. Resane

ISBN 978-1-920382-96-4 (print)

978-1-920382-97-1 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 271

Price R 365 (print); R 295 (e-book)

Publication Date 2020

The Battle at Mamusa

The Battle of Mamusa reflects the grievous event in the Western Transvaal border culture context that contributed profoundly to the dissolution of the last functioning Korana polity. The narrative presented in this work is exceptional for at least two reasons: Firstly, for the thoughtful manner in which the intriguing concept of metaphors is applied in this study of historical ethnography cum ethnohistory. Secondly, for the skillful way in which the author relates the battle of Mamusa to how present-day Korana and neo-Khoisan communities, in a new context, are relating to their future in a post-1994 constitutional dispensation.

Author Piet Erasmus

ISBN 978-1-920382-76-6 (print)

978-1-920382-77-3 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 287

Price R 300 (print); R 245 (e-book)

Publication Date 2020

The Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902: White man's war, black man's war, traumatic war

Based on many years of research with regard to the Anglo-Boer War, this book is essential reading for anyone who would like to know more about the most devastating conflict that has thus far been waged between white people in Southern Africa. However, with due course, this war also involved more and more black, brown and, to some extent, Asian people.

Author André Wessels

ISBN 978-1-920383-27-5 (print)

978-1-920382-55-1 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 213

Price R 290 (print); R 235 (e-book)

Publication Date 2020

Critical toponomy - Place names in political, historical and commercial landscape

Critical Toponymy: Place names in political, historical and commercial landscapes contains a selection of double-blind peer-reviewed papers from the 4th International Symposium on Place Names that took place 18-20 September 2017 in Windhoek, Namibia. These papers present current thinking on how the critical turn in social sciences is manifested in toponymic research, not only locally but also internationally. As such it includes research on place names from South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Austria, Slovenia, Central America and even the former Czechoslovakia. The contributions show that the etymology of place names are never purely linguistic – social, political, commercial and other factors influence the giving, use and adaptations of these linguistic and cultural artefacts. Furthermore, given their high symbolic content, place names also serve as political and commercial currency. Place names are therefore important symbolic markers in preserving or changing cultural identities, and in marking or facilitating socio-political changes and relations. Critical Toponymy showcases the many ways in which the representational potential of place names can be deployed in different contexts. Scholars as well as practitioners in toponymy and sociolinguistics will find this an illuminating read.

Editor Peter E Raper, Herman Beyer, Matthias Brenzinger & Theodorus du Plessis

ISBN 978-1-928424-24-6 (print)

978-1-928424-25-3 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Conference

Format Softcover

Page count 203

Price R 350 (print); R 280 (e-book)

Publication Date 2019

Decolonising Higher Education in the Era of Globalisation and Internationalisation

Conceived within a context of transdisciplinarity and pluriversalism, and in rigorous response to the Eurocentric, globalising and nationalising structures of power that undergird and inhabit contemporary praxis in higher education – especially in African higher education – this collection of essays brings to the on-going discourse on decolonisation fresh, rich, probing and multi-layered perspectives that should accelerate the process of decolonisation, not only in higher education in Africa, but also in the global imaginary. A remarkable, courageous and potentially revolutionary achievement, this book deserves a special place on curricula throughout the world of higher education.

Editor Kehdinga George Fomunyam

ISBN 978-1-928424-26-0 (print)

978-1-928424-27-7 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 273

Price R 375 (print); R 300 (e-book)

Publication Date 2019

J.C. Steyn en Afrikaans – ‘n Viering

Met J.C. Steyn en Afrikaans – ’n viering huldig ’n aantal bekende (Afrikaanse) taal- en letterkundiges en digters vir J.C. (Jaap) Steyn aan die begin van die negende dekade van sy lewe, maar ook die taal wat hy met sy lewenswerk gedien het. In veral die vakkundige bydraes word sy akademiese werk – as taalkundige, taalhistorikus, biograaf, digter en kreatiewe skrywer – belig. Die afwisseling van taalkundige, letterkundige en skeppende bydraes wil iets weergee van die verskeidenheid van Jaap Steyn se lewenswerk. Die briefwisseling tussen Steyn en prof. Elize Botha (1973 tot 1991) is die enigste plek waar Steyn self uitvoerig aan die woord gestel word. Dit betref ’n tydperk waarin van sy belangrikste werksaamhede as kreatiewe skrywer plaasgevind het. Steyn se briewe getuig van sy gebruiklike deeglikheid, maar ook van sy eiesoortige taalvernuf, persoonlike nederigheid en oopheid vir kritiek. In baie van die skeppende bydraes word juis op hierdie persoonlikheidseienskappe gefokus én op die onvermydelike sloping wat die ouderdom meebring. Dit is opvallend dat baie van die taalkundige bydraes aspekte belig waaroor Steyn self uitvoerig gepubliseer het en soos ’n goue draad loop deur sy taalkundige werk: die geskiedenis van Standaardafrikaans en die stryd om die erkenning van Afrikaans as selfstandige, amptelik erkende, en deeglik gestandaardiseerde taal, asook die fokus op identiteit, taalverandering en taalhouding. In letterkundige bydraes weer is dit opvallend hoeveel daarvan konsentreer op die “grens-gegewe”: selfdoding, die periferale situasie van homoseksuele en bejaardes, die komplekse verhouding tussen outeur en karakter in die biografie, kultuurgrensoorskrydings en grensdeurbreking op die terreine van die narratologie en genre.

Editor Angelique van Niekerk, H.P. van Coller & Bernard Odendaal

ISBN 978-1-928424-32-1 (print)

978-1-928424-33-8 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 372

Price R 499 (print); R 399 (e-book)

Publication Date 2019

Narrating the Everyday: Windows on Life in Central South Africa

The chapters in this book reflect on the practice of using narratives to understand individual and social reality. They all reveal dimensions of the same concrete reality: contemporary society of Central South Africa. Except for two, all the chapters originated from research in the program The Narrative Study of Lives, situated in the Department of Sociology at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Each chapter opens a window on an aspect of everyday life in Central South Africa. Each window displays the capacity of the narrative as a methodological tool in qualitative research to open up better understandings of everyday experience. The chapters also reflect on the epistemological journey towards unwrapping and breaking open of meaning. Narratives are one of many tools available to sociologists in their quest to understand and interpret meaning. But, when it comes to deep understanding, narratives are particularly effective in opening up more intricate levels of meaning associated with emotions, feelings, and subjective experiences.

Editor Asta Rau, Jan K. Coetzee & Magdalena Wojciechowska

ISBN 978-1-928424-18-5 (print)

978-1-928424-19-2 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Hardcover

Page count 455

Price R 550 (print); R 275 (e-book)

Publication Date 2019

Reinventing the Social Scientist and Humanist in the Era of Big Data: A Perspective from South African Scholars

This book explores the big data evolution by interrogating the notion that big data is a disruptive innovation that appears to be challenging existing epistemologies in the humanities and social sciences. Exploring various (controversial) facets of big data such as ethics, data power, and data justice, the book attempts to clarify the trajectory of the epistemology of (big) data-driven science in the humanities and social sciences

Author Susan Brokensha, Eduan Kotzé & Burgert A. Senekal

ISBN 978-1-928424-36-9 (print)

978-1-928424-37-6 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 193

Price R 375 (print); R 300 (e-book)

Publication Date 2019

Space and planning in secondary cities: Reflections from South Africa

Much of the urban research focuses on the large metropolitan areas in South Africa. This book assesses spatial planning in the second-tier cities of the country. Secondary cities are vital as they perform essential regional, and in some cases, global economic roles and help to distribute the population of a country more evenly across its surface. Apartheid planning left South African cities fragmented segregated and with low densities. Post-apartheid policies aim to reverse these realities by emphasising integration, higher densities and upgrading. Achieving these aims has been challenging and often the historical patterns continue. The evidence shows that two opposing patterns prevail, namely increased densities and continued urban sprawl. This book presents ten case studies of spatial planning and spatial transformation in secondary cities of South Africa. The book frames these case studies against complexity theory and suggests that the post-apartheid response to apartheid planning represents a linear deviation from history. The ten case studies then reveal how difficult it is for local decision-makers to find appropriate responses and how current responses often result in contradictory results. Often these cities are highly vulnerable and they find it difficult to plan in the context of uncertainty. The book also highlights how these cities find it difficult to stand on their own against the influence of interest groups (property developers, mining companies, traditional authorities, other spheres of government). The main reasons include weak municipal finance statements, the dependence on national and provincial government for capital expenditure, limited investment in infrastructure maintenance, the lack of planning capacity, the inability to implement plans and the unintended and sometimes contrary outcomes of post-apartheid planning policies.

Editor Lochner Marais & Verna Nel

ISBN 978-1-928424-34-5 (print)

978-1-928424-35-2 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 294

Price R 490 (print); R 300 (e-book)

Publication Date 2019

Vulnerable responsibility – Small vices for caregivers

The authors have developed the ethical imagination inviting a sense of “otherness” towards the vulnerable self, rebounding care for the other as a way to understand our everyday neurotic (normal) tendency of small vices as the propensity and possibility for responsibility towards the other. The authors, inviting the reader into troublesome feelings such as laziness and anger, bring a Levinasian horizon into focus, so that even in the midst of laziness, there remains the small goodness to set the self free to care for the other, meeting the demands, challenges, hesitation, shuddering, tension and shocks of such alterity, of living “otherwise”.

Author Laetus O.K Lategan, Linus Vanlaere & Roger Burggraeve

ISBN 978-1-928424-16-1 (print)

978-1-928424-17-8 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 146

Price R 265 (print); R 212 (e-book)

Publication Date 2019

Companies Act No 31 of 1909

The 1909 Companies Act was known as the “Transvaal Act”.  After South Africa was established as a Union, each province had its own Companies Act.  There is no indication that the 1909 Act was amended on provincial level.  Later on, a new Act was written, namely the “1926 Companies Act”, and it was based upon the 1909 Act.  Most South African textbooks cite only the 1926 and 1973 Companies Act, without any reference to the 1909 Act.  This historic legislation is however relevant to fully understand the background to South African company law.  Furthermore, the 1909 Act contains more than 26 definitions, such as: a special resolution, private company, debenture, director, share and prospectus.  Most of these concepts are still relevant today, 110 years later.

Author Neels Kilian

ISBN 978-1-928424-38-3 (print)

978-1-928424-39-0 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 159

Price R 385 (print); R 308 (e-book)

Publication Date 2019

Universiteit Stellenbosch en die onverkwiklike taalstryd (2003-2017): Vanaf “taaltameletjie” tot volskaalse “taaloorlog”

Hierdie ontleding van die taalstryd op die kampus van die Universiteit Stellenbosch strek vanaf 2003 tot Maart 2018 en put uit ’n verskeidenheid hoofstroom media, maar veral vanuit Afrikaanse dagblaaie – Die Burger, Volksblad en Beeld – wat daagliks minstens 42,6% van die Afrikaanse leserspubliek bereik. Uit die aard van die onderwerp het veral Afrikaanse koerante groot belangstelling getoon en talle berigte oor die US-taalstryd gehad, terwyl dekking daarvan in veral Mail & Guardian, The Star, The Cape Times en die Cape Argus soms kritieser, indringender en objektiewer ondersoek en standpuntstelling bevat het. Dikwels is die taalkwessies so belangrik geag dat dit voorblaaie gehaal het en volgens die oordeel van die redaksie, kommentaar in talle hoofartikels geregverdig het. Ander aktivistiese wapens wat in hierdie taalstryd uitgewys kan word, is appèl op politici, driftige optogte en lokaalbesettings; dreigemente van ekondruk, boikot en selfs wanvoorstellings en uiteindelik geweldpleging, brandstigting en eiendomsvernietiging. Hoewel die verloop van gebeure in hierdie boek oor Afrikaans se stryd om oorlewing op ’n histories-Afrikaanse universiteit vol drama en intrige verloop het en inderwaarheid die aandag van ’n wye leserspubliek verdien (in die woorde van een van die keurders), is dit in die eerste plek ’n wetenskaplike, ontleding van feitelike gebeure rondom ’n verwikkelde taalstryd.

Author Johan C. Moll

ISBN 978-1-928424-22-2 (print)

978-1-928424-23-9 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 357

Price R 425 (print); R 340 (e-book)

Publication Date 2018

Books & Bones & Other Things

Books tell stories about our lifeworld. In this book Jan Coetzee invites us to critically inquire into the aims, the content, and the context of the stories contained in a collection of old books from an old world. Without opening these old texts and without converting the original print on the pages to meaning and message, Coetzee brings the books into a dialogue with each other. Together with accompanying sculpted and/or found objects these books take on a new, broader function. By gathering them in one volume they attain a different character and tell us more than what the individual books ever could.

Author Jan K. Coetzee

ISBN 978-1-928424-14-7 (print)

978-1-928424-15-4 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Hardcover

Page count 212

Price R 390 (print); R 315 (e-book)

Publication Date 2018

A Field Guide to the Clarens Village Conservancy

With the scenic village of Clarens located on the western edge of the Maloti-Drakensberg, the Clarens Village Conservancy offers a taste of biodiversity quite special to this region: it forms an area of overlap between western arid elements, moist eastern elements, Afromontane elements, and Drakensberg alpine elements. As such, there is a treat for adventurers around every corner in this rugged environment. Thanks to active and well-managed civic organisations such as the Clarens Village Conservancy, this natural heritage will not go unappreciated. We are truly privileged to live and work in this environment, and hope that this Field Guide will inspire many visitors to come to marvel at our mountains and its treasures.

Author Rodney Moffett

ISBN 978-1-928424-20-8 (print)

978-1-928424-21-5 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 158

Price R 395 (print); R 235 (e-book)

Publication Date 2018

A Foreign Voyage - Pacific Maritime Lobour Identity, 1840-1890

John Grider joined the Institute for Reconciliation and Social Justice at the University of the Free State as a Research Fellow in November 2015. He recently completed this captivating project, which investigates the complex interplay between gender, class and race sourced from the narratives of men who found themselves working in the transforming Pacific maritime industry during the mid-nineteenth century.

Author John T. Grider

ISBN 978-1-920382-88-9 (print)

978-1-920382-89-6 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 320

Price R 390 (print); R 315 (e-book)

Publication Date 2017

Get Ready ... Get Set ... GO! – Preparing for your doctoral studies and doctoral education

This book presents different perspectives of support of the doctoral education value chain. Themes such as the scope of doctoral education, planning and roll-out of the research project, student and supervisor responsibilities, publication writing, grant applications, the application of research results and research ethics and integrity are addressed.
This book forms part of one of the three pillars of postgraduate research, namely research capacity building. The other two pillars are policy and methodology, which are addressed in other publications.

Author Laetus O.K. Lategan

ISBN 978-1-920382-94-0 (print)

978-1-920382-95-7 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 180

Price R 265 (print); R 215 (e-book)

Publication Date 2017

Healthcare ethics for Healthcare Practitioners

Healthcare ethics cannot be limited in scope to apply only to the patient but needs to apply to the healthcare practitioner as well. The relationship between the patient and the healthcare practitioner has shifted from a power relationship to a complementary relationship. Leadership, mentorship and coaching play important roles in facilitating this shift. Several themes informed this book on healthcare ethics: Vulnerability in healthcare ethics, Decisions between right and wrong, Quality of healthcare, Life-ending decisions, Community-based research, Ethical decision-making, Spritiuality in healthcare

Editor Laetus O.K. Lategan & Gert J. van Zyl

ISBN 978-1-920382-98-8 (print)

978-1-920382-99-5 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 142

Price R 245 (print); R 200 (e-book)

Publication Date 2017

In pursuit of societal harmony

In pursuit of societal harmony: Reviewing the experiences and approaches in officially monolingual and officially multilingual countries contains a selection of papers on language legislation that were presented at the International Conference on Language Policy in Multicultural and Multilingual Settings, Mandalay, Myanmar, 8-11 February 2016. The editors, both members of the International Academy of Language Law / Académie internationale de droit linguistique, brought together presentations that deal with language legislation and practices in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America. The contributions show that the post-communist trend in language policy has been vastly represented by attempts to eliminate the language, and even the cultural legacy, of the formerly hegemonic nation/s in countries emerging after the collapse of the system. In doing so officials in these countries tend to link the harmonisation of a diverse society with the idea of homogenising its population, and prioritising the cultural legacy of the titular nation. In contrast, some post-colonial countries are more tolerant of the language of their colonisers but consequently do not sufficiently promote the institutionalisation of their indigenous languages. Furthermore, the absence of visible efforts to follow any legal pattern in this regard often result in a communication gap between government and the various communities.

Editor Ludmilla A’Beckett & Theodorus du Plessis

ISBN 978-1-928424-12-3 (print)

978-1-928424-13-0 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Conference

Format Softcover

Page count 197

Price R 290 (print); R 235 (e-book)

Publication Date 2017

Jesus Christus, Seun van God, ís ons Versoening - ’n Missionêre Christologie

In Jesus Christus, Seun van God, is ons versoening: ’n Missionêre Christologie beklemtoon Pieter Verster die unieke betekenis van Jesus Christus as Seun van God en die implikasies van hierdie belydenis vir die sending. Verster lig die betekenis vir die sending uit deur ’n hermeneutiek en evangeliese grondslag vir die interpretasie van die Bybelse teks en konteks binne die post-moderne wêreld te ontwikkel. Die Christologiese benadering is essensieel vir sending, veral in die lig van Christus as Versoener in sy ampte as Koning, Profeet en Priester. Deeglike Skrifbewyse word voorgelê om sy standpunt te verduidelik. – Dr. Maniraj Sukdaven, Religiekunde en Missiologie, Universiteit van Pretoria

Author Pieter Verster

ISBN 978-1-928424-10-9 (print)

978-1-928424-11-6 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 307

Price R 390 (print); Free (e-book)

Publication Date 2017

Of the same breath – Indigenous animal and place names

Of the Same Breath opens the door to a better understanding of why and how the animals and places of southern Africa have been given the names they have today. The vast reaches of the information provided in this book have been drawn together to create a veritable cornucopia of answers to the old question of how names originated. In this linguistically thought-provoking book, readers will be guided through the origins of animal names and toponyms, from the coastline of South Africa to the northern border of Namibia, and from the mighty elephant to the humble grasshopper.

Author Lucie A. Möller

ISBN 978-1-928424-02-4 (print)

978-1-928424-03-1 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 365

Price R 490 (print); R 295 (e-book)

Publication Date 2017

Spikkels en Spatsels uit Bloemfontein se Verlede

Soos sy voorganger Splinters en dorings uit die Rosestad se verlede (SUN MeDIA, 2015), neem hierdie historiese bundel die leser op ‘n reis deur die spikkels en spatsels van pyn en vreugde uit Bloemfontein se verlede. Bloemfontein se eerste inwoners het hul reeds in 1846 hier gevestig, maar die stad het eers in 1945 stadstatus gekry. Die stad – wat aanvanklik grootliks ‘n Engelse eiland in die hart van ‘n Afrikanerrepubliek was – was só Engels dat selfs ‘n besoeker uit Londen destyds verklaar het dat hy hom nêrens anders in Suid-Afrika so gekoester voel as juis in Bloemfontein se Engelse atmosfeer nie. Vanuit hierdie kleurryke verlede het Hannes Haasbroek ‘n keur van verhale saamgestel wat die leser sal boei en tot nuwe insigte oor hierdie stad in sentraal Suid-Afrika sal bring. Die verhale in Spikkels en spatsels uit Bloemfontein se verlede, met talle foto’s waarvan sommige nog nooit voorheen gepubliseer is nie, word hoofsaaklik kronologies aangebied om ‘n aangename en leersame leeservaring te skep.

Author Hannes Haasbroek

ISBN 978-1-928424-00-0 (print)

978-1-928424-01-7 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Books

Format Softcover

Page count 205

Price R 300 (print); R 245 (e-book)

Publication Date 2017

Suid-Afrika se Vlootmagte 1922—2012

Suid-Afrika, met drie landsgrense deur see omsoom en ‘n kuslyn van ongeveer 2 800 km, is ‘n maritieme moondheid. Die Suid-Afrikaanse vlootmagte vorm uiteraard ‘n belangrike deel van dié land se gewapende magte en verdedigingstelsels. Alhoewel die benaming, Suid-Afrikaanse Vloot (SAV), eers sedert 1 Januarie 1951 gebruik word, dateer die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika se vlootmagte terug tot ten minste 1922. In hierdie publikasie word die geskiedenis van die Suid-Afrikaanse vlootmagte vanaf 1922 tot 2012 op akademiese wyse geboekstaaf deurdat die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van die vlootmagte op verantwoordbare wyse beskryf en geanaliseer word. Nadat die vlootgeskiedenis vanaf 1922 tot 1945 bespreek is, word die daaropvolgende hoofstukke aan elk van die volgende tipes vaartuie, asook die rolle wat hierdie vaartuie in die SAV gespeel het, gewy: fregatte, torpedojaers, mynveërs en mynjagters, patrolliebote, hidrografiese opmetingskepe, gevegsteunskepe, duikbote en laastens ander vaartuie, soos byvoorbeeld, sperboomvaartuie. Vlootgebeure word deurgaans geëvalueer teen die agtergrond van die politieke ontwikkelinge in Suid-Afrika, terwyl gebeure in die internasionale arena ook toegelig word.

Author Andre Wessels

ISBN 978-1-928424-04-8 (print)

978-1-928424-05-5 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 290

Price R 355 (print); R 285 (e-book)

Publication Date 2017

Making sense of Jesus: Experiences, interpretations and identities

Making sense of Jesus is comprised of twelve chapters of an Christological nature, which are the result of a multidisciplinary theological research project. The aim of this book is to ascertain how, in the current cultural situation, an encounter with Jesus is determined by specific historical and personal conditions, and what the consequences of such an encounter may be.

Editor Francois Tolmie & Rian Venter

ISBN 978-1-928424-06-2 (print)

978-1-928424-07-9 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 237

Price R 305 (print); Free (e-book)

Publication Date 2017

Basotho Medicinal Plants / Meriana ya dimela tsa Basotho

This publication is an important contribution to the documentation of medicinal plant use by the Basotho. It contains a comprehensive list of known medicinal plants, their up-to-date scientific names, their vernacular names, as well as their uses. This book will appeal to experts, as well as to readers who are unfamiliar with traditional medicinal plant uses.

Author Rodney Moffett

ISBN 978-1-920382-86-5 (print)

978-1-920382-87-2 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 180

Price R 310 (print); R 250 (e-book)

Publication Date 2016

Afrikaanse Filosofie: Perspektiewe en dialoë

“Hierdie is die eerste boeklengte poging om ‘n Afrikaanse filosofiese tradisie te beskryf binne die konteks van die Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis, en om die geskiedenis van die filosofie internasionaal te interpreteer. In die proses word van die belangrikste Afrikaanse filosowe self aan die woord gestel. Dit is werklik ‘n waardevolle kultuurhistoriese dokument en ‘n enorme bydrae tot die intellektuele geskiedenis in Suid-Afrika.” – Prof Desmond Painter

Author Pieter Duvenage

ISBN 978-1-920382-78-0 (print)

978-1-920382-79-7 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 306

Price R 355 (print); R 285 (e-book)

Publication Date 2016

Moedertaalonderrig en taalaktivisme in Suid-Afrika: Analise van gedrukte mediadekking tussen 2006 en 2010

Uiters belangrike narratief oor skooltaalvoorkeur het hom tussen 2006 en 2010 in Suid-Afrika afgespeel. Hierdie gebeurtenisse het diep in die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwys- en taalwêreld ingesny, en ook in die buiteland belangstelling gelok. Die koerante het volledig daaroor berig: oor die hofsake, die skoolhoofde, die skole, ouers en die leerders. Maar hoe gemaak as onderwyskundiges, sosiolinguiste, taalbeplanners, taalhistorici en vaklui van aansluitende dissiplines later die punte van hulle vingers op die besonderhede van daardie gebeurtenisse wil lê?

Author Johan C. Moll

ISBN 978-1-920382-84-1 (print)

978-1-920382-85-8 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 250

Price R 290 (print); R 235 (e-book)

Publication Date 2016

Regional Innovation: Government policies and the role of Higher Education Institutions

“This book provides an excellent analysis of regional innovation policy issues and developments with a wealth of examples, notably from OECD countries. Key policy areas, such as clusters, support services, and higher education institutions, are well documented. The research methodology is founded on the experience accumulated by the authors over several decades in many different countries in the context of a world class international organisation. This allows a good selection of policy relevant examples and an experienced presentation of them.” – Jean-Eric Aubert, Former programme manager, World Bank and OECD

Author Patrick Dubarle & Yali Woyessa

ISBN 978-1-920382-80-3 (print)

978-1-920382-81-0 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 150

Price R 260 (print); R 210 (e-book)

Publication Date 2016

Theology and the (post)apartheid condition: Genealogies and future directions

Knowledge transmission and generation belong to the core mission of the public university. In democratic South Africa, the transformation of these processes and practices in higher education has become an urgent and contested task. The Faculty of Theology at the University of the Free State has already done some original work on the implications of these for theology. One area of investigation that has not yet received due attention concerns the role of theological disciplines, and especially the relation between academic disciplines and societal dynamics. This research project addresses the challenge and this volume reflects the intellectual endeavour of lectures, research fellows and a post-graduate student associated with the faculty. Each theological discipline has its own history and has already experienced reconstruction, both globally and in South Africa. Some of these genealogical developments and re-envisioning are mapped by the contributions in this volume. The critical questions addressed are: what are the contours of the (post)apartheid condition and what are the implications for responsible disciplinary practices in theology? The chapters convey an impression of the vitality of theology at the University of the Free State and in South Africa and give expression to fundamental shifts that have taken place in theological disciplines, and also of future tasks. This research project aims to stimulate reflection on responsible and innovative disciplinary practices of theology in South Africa, which, we envisage, will contribute to social justice and human flourishing. -Rian Venter, University of the Free State

Editor Rian Venter

ISBN 978-1-920382-90-2 (print)

978-1-920382-91-9 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 261

Price R 290 (print); Free (e-book)

Publication Date 2016

Transformation and Legitimation in Post-apartheid Universities: Reading Discourses from ‘Reitz’

Two decades after the democratic transition, South African universities are in turmoil. Whilst the old is slowly becoming unhinged, reimagining the new is protracted and contested. The challenges ahead, including a funding crunch, are formidable and bear the imprint of South African postcolonial specificities and global transformations in higher education. At this moment, critical and engaged socio-historical scholarship is indispensable. Transformation and Legitimation in Post-apartheid Universities: Reading discourses from Reitz is such a work. Revisiting the notorious Reitz incident of 2008, when a satirical video made by students from the University of the Free State (UFS) to register their resistance to the racial integration of black’ students into historically white’ residences became public, the text offers an analysis of the broader cultural and socio-political context that constituted the conditions of possibility for the incident and its aftermath. Attention is shifted from the principal actors in the original drama  a handful of students and workers  to a critical interrogation of the broader structures, positions, discourses and practices that fed into the Reitz incident’, reaching into the present with violent and racially-charged student and worker protests in 2016. Van der Merwe and Van Reenen deliver a theoretically-rich analysis of the anatomy of current contestations about race and transformation in higher education in South Africa, the resultant legitimation crisis facing the UFS and South African universities more generally, as well as ways to restore institutional legitimacy and reputation, focusing on instituting deeper, more durable change that unlocks the promise of democracy. Dr Irma du Plessis University of Pretoria

Author Dionne van Reenen & J.C. van der Merwe

ISBN 978-1-920382-60-5 (print)

978-1-920382-61-2 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 309

Price R 365 (print); R 295 (e-book)

Publication Date 2016

Sugar and Settlers: A history of the Natal South Coast, 1850-1910

Duncan Du Bois provides a detailed and fascinating history of a hitherto much-neglected part of what was the colony of Natal. Based primarily on original archival research, he traces the southward advance of the white settler frontier and its sugar-based economy from Isipingo to the Mzimkulu river and, without the sugar engine, to the Mtamvuna.

Author Duncan L. Du Bois

ISBN 978-1-920382-70-4 (print)

978-1-920382-71-1 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 415

Price R 390 (print); R 315 (e-book)

Publication Date 2015

Splinters en Dorings uit die Rosestad se Verlede

In Splinters en Dorings uit die Rosestad se Verlede vertel Hannes Haasbroek van dié stad se kostelikhede en treurmares uit die verre verlede te boek.

Die geskiedkundige foto’s is verkry uit die versamelings van die Nasionale Museum, Oliewenhuis-kunsmuseum, Vrystaatse Provinsiale Argiefbewaarplek en die Nasionale Afrikaanse Letterkundige Museum en Navorsingsentrum (NALN) in Bloemfontein.

Author Hannes Haasbroek

ISBN 978-1-920382-72-8 (print)

978-1-920382-73-5 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 134

Price R 215 (print); R 175 (e-book)

Publication Date 2015

Hospitality Management: A practical introduction

The hospitality industry fulfils an important role in providing a variety of products and services to paying customers. Due to the demanding and service-oriented nature of the industry, it is imperative that the owners and managers of these establishments are adequately informed about the managerial and operational challenges they face. The aim of this book is to provide a practical introduction to a variety of components that can contribute to the success of hospitality establishments. The practical nature of the book is valuable for all types of hospitality establishments, including guest houses, lodges, B&Bs, restaurants, bars and hotels.

Editor Deseré Kokt

ISBN 978-1-920382-68-1 (print)

978-1-920382-69-8 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 183

Price R 295 (print); R 215 (e-book)

Publication Date 2015

Gereformeerdes onder die Suiderkruis 1652-2011 – Die verhaal van vier Afrikaanse kerke

Die outeur bekyk flitspunte uit die geskiedenis van vier Afrikaanse Gereformeerde kerke in Suid-Afrika, met die NG Kerk as sleutelfiguur.

Hoewel die tema van kerk en samelewing belangrik is in hierdie studie, kry kernelemente in Gereformeerd-wees ook aandag. Dit sluit in belydenis- en leerstellige benaderings, Gereformeerde karakter, onderlinge verhoudinge en ekumene, en jonger kerke of kerklike familie.

Author Piet Strauss

ISBN 978-1-920382-66-7 (print)

978-1-920382-67-4 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 108

Price R 190 (print); R 155 (e-book)

Publication Date 2015

A Biographical Dictionary of Contributors to the Natural History of the Free State and Lesotho

This work briefly records the lives and achievements of 502 men and women who contributed, or are still contributing, to the natural history of the Free State and Lesotho, between 1829 and 2013.

Author Rodney Moffett

ISBN 978-1-920382-34-6 (print)

978-1-920382-35-3 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 365

Price R 390 (print); R 315 (e-book)

Publication Date 2014

Corporate Lessons: Managing Effective Organisations

This publication effectively delineates job hunting, from writing a successful curriculum vitae to the feared interview and finally employment. Lebitso also manages to successfully provide information on making the right career choice. The various management styles are carefully explained and he distinguishes between leadership and management.

Author Mokete C. Lebitso

ISBN 978-1-920382-47-6 (print)

978-1-920382-48-3 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Conference

Format Softcover

Page count 110

Price R 215 (print); R 175 (e-book)

Publication Date 2014

International Comparative Perspectives on Religion and Education

This book scrutinises religion in education in ten countries. It reveals much about the tension between religion and education in secular countries, and the blending between religion and education in religious countries, such as Iran and Malaysia, as well as secular countries such as the Netherlands. It also shows the important role the church currently plays in education in developing countries, such as Tanzania.

Editor Charl C. Wolhuter & Corene de Wet

ISBN 978-1-920382-37-7 (print)

978-1-920382-38-4 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 270

Price R 290 (print); R 235 (e-book)

Publication Date 2014

Kaapstad se 'Streetgate' - Politieke Maneuvers en die Peter Marais Debakel (1999-2002)

Vandag is die hernoeming van veral plek- en straatname om die onreg van die verlede reg te stel weer sterk op die voorgrond, en dit bly ‘n kontroversiële aangeleentheid wat rolspelers en die mens op straat se belangstelling vasvang. Derhalwe is dié boek se tema en inhoud, naamlik die straatnaam-hernoemingsdebakel etlike jare gelede in Kaapstad en die meegaande politiekery op die breë front, relevant in die huidige geskiedskrywing omdat dit treffend aandui hoe so ‘n kwessie kan skeefloop as dit nie met die nodige empatie teenoor alle belangstellendes en bevolkingsgroepe hanteer word nie. In hierdie geval het dit tot die uiterste gestrek deurdat bekende politieke leiers in die proses betrek is en selfs geval het. Deur inleidend ‘n deeglike agtergrond van die sogenaamde straatnaam-hernoemingsfenomeen te gee, gepaardgaande met die politieke opset in Kaapstad, word die leser genoegsaam geposisioneer om die gebeure wat volg goed te begryp. Die toepaslike en treffende – soms selfs skreiende – spotprente bied sinvolle illustrasies tot die verhaal. – Dr Hannes Haasbroek, Nasionale Museum, Bloemfontein

Author Johan C. Moll

ISBN 978-1-920382-58-2 (print)

978-1-920382-59-9 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 221

Price R 290 (print); Free (e-book)

Publication Date 2014

Knowledge as Enablement - Engagement between higher education and the third sector in South Africa

Knowledge can and does enable, specifically through engagement between higher education institutions, the third sector (mostly non-profit organisations), public service role players and the communities. The purpose of the research is reciprocal building, sharing and utilisation of knowledge for mutual enablement and capacity building.

Editor Mabel Erasmus & Ruth Albertyn

ISBN 978-1-920382-62-9 (print)

978-1-920382-63-6 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 327

Price R 365 (print); R 295 (e-book)

Publication Date 2014

Surfers van die Tsunami - Navorsing en Inligtingstegnologie binne die Geesteswetenskappe

Hierdie boek is toegespits op navorsers en doen verslag oor navorsing wat oor die afgelope paar jaar onderneem is om vas te stel hoe inligtingstegnologie aangewend is en kan word vir navorsingsdoeleindes binne die geesteswetenskappe, sowel as watter implikasies die gebruik van inligtingstegnologie vir die geesteswetenskappe inhou in die inligtingsera. Die beginsels, implikasies, probleme en geleenthede van inligtingstegnologie en die digitale revolusie word teen die agtergrond van grootdata bespreek, en word veral in verband gebring met die geesteswetenskappe in Suid-Afrika.

Author Burgert A. Senekal & Susan Brokensha

ISBN 978-1-920382-64-3 (print)

978-1-920382-65-0 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 137

Price R 240 (print); R 195 (e-book)

Publication Date 2014

South African Language Rights Monitor 2011 / Suid-Afrikaanse Taalregtemonitor 2011

The SALRM 2011 provides a rich source of information on a range of language-related subjects. A prominent issue remains the changing of street and place names, including the Pretoria/Tshwane and Louis Trichardt/Makhado sagas. Language in education remains a thorny issue; as medium of instruction at school and tertiary level, and the proposal that passing an African language should be a requirement in order to obtain a tertiary degree in South Africa. In terms of language legislation, the draft version of the National Language Act was proposed. The language of record in courts also received attention in the media.

Author Johan Lubbe & Theodorus du Plessis

ISBN 978-1-920382-74-2 (print)

978-1-920382-75-9 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 125 & 118

Price R 290 (print); R 235 (e-book)

Publication Date 2015

South African Language Rights Monitor 2010 / Suid-Afrikaanse Taalregtemonitor 2010

This is the ninth annual report on the situation pertaining to language rights and language matters in general in South Africa. It cultivates an awareness of language rights and promotes a culture of taking proactive measures in order to oppose violations of language rights. Such awareness could lead, on the one hand, to the further democratisation of the community, and on the other, to increasing participation in public life.

Author Johan Lubbe & Theodorus du Plessis

ISBN 978-1-920382-56-8 (print)

978-1-920382-57-5 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 122 & 112

Price R 290 (print); R 235 (e-book)

Publication Date 2014

South African Language Rights Monitor 2009 / Suid-Afrikaanse Taalregtemonitor 2009

The bilingual South African Language Rights Monitor 2009 / Suid-Afrikaanse Taalregtemonitor 2009 is the eighth annual report on the situation pertaining to language rights and language matters in general in South Africa. It cultivates an awareness of language rights and promotes a culture of taking proactive measures in order to oppose violations of language rights. Such awareness could lead, on the one hand, to the further democratisation of the community, and on the other, to increasing participation in public life.

Author Johan Lubbe & Theodorus du Plessis

ISBN 978-1-920382-45-2 (print)

978-1-920382-46-9 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 128 & 119

Price R 290 (print); R 235 (e-book)

Publication Date 2013

South African Language Rights Monitor 2008 / Suid-Afrikaanse Taalregtemonitor 2008

The bilingual South African Language Rights Monitor 2008 / Suid-Afrikaanse Taalregtemonitor 2008 is the seventh annual report on the situation pertaining to language rights and language matters in general in South Africa. It cultivates an awareness of language rights and promotes a culture of taking proactive measures in order to oppose violations of language rights. Such awareness could lead, on the one hand, to the further democratisation of the community, and on the other, to increasing participation in public life.

Author Johan Lubbe & Theodorus du Plessis

ISBN 978-1-920382-27-8 (print)

978-1-920382-28-5 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 101 & 94

Price R 290 (print); R 235 (e-book)

Publication Date 2013

South African Language Rights Monitor 2007

During 2007, language-related issues were sources of acrimonious conflict in South Africa. In Durban, the eThekwini Municipality embarked on a street-renaming process that sparked widespread controversy. In Pretoria and Potchefstroom, Afrikaner activists continued their campaign against the renaming of their hometowns as ‘Tshwane’ and ‘Tlokwe’. In Ermelo, a high school decided to take the provincial education department to court in an attempt to regain its Afrikaans-only status.

Author Mariana Kriel

ISBN 978-1-920383-06-0 (print)

978-1-920383-18-3 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 93

Price R 200 (print); R 160 (e-book)

Publication Date 2010

South African Language Rights Monitor 2006

The South African Language Rights Monitor (SALRM) Project surveys the mainstream newspapers of South Africa with a view to compile annual reports on the developments on the language front in the country. While the main focus is on language rights and language (rights) activism, the Monitor also covers other language-related problems, including name changes and aspects of language promotion.

Author Mariana Kriel

ISBN 978-1-920383-04-6 (print)

978-1-920383-16-9 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 83

Price R 200 (print); R 160 (e-book)

Publication Date 2010

South African Language Rights Monitor 2005

The South African Language Rights Monitor (SALRM) Project surveys the mainstream newspapers of South Africa with a view to compile annual reports on the developments on the language front in the country. While the main focus is on language rights and language (rights) activism, the yearly Monitor also covers other language-related problems, including name changes and aspects of language promotion.

Author Susan Lombaard, Johan Lubbe & Theo du Plessis

ISBN 978-1-920383-00-1 (print)

978-1-920382-08-7 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 75

Price R 200 (print); R 160 (e-book)

Publication Date 2011

South African Language Rights Monitor 2004

The South African Language Rights Monitor (SALRM) Project surveys the mainstream newspapers of South Africa with a view to compile annual reports on the developments on the language front in the country. While the main focus is on language rights and language (rights) activism, the yearly Monitor also covers other language-related problems, including name changes and aspects of language promotion.

Author Johan Lubbe, Elbie Truter & Theo du Plessis

ISBN 978-1-920383-31-2 (print)

978-1-920382-07-0 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 52

Price R 200 (print); R 160 (e-book)

Publication Date 2011

South African Language Rights Monitor 2003

The South African Language Rights Monitor (SALRM) Project surveys the mainstream newspapers of South Africa with a view to compile annual reports on the developments on the language front in the country. While the main focus is on language rights and language (rights) activism, the yearly Monitor also covers other language-related problems, including name changes and aspects of language promotion.

Author Johan Lubbe, Elbie Truter & Theo du Plessis

ISBN 978-1-920383-30-5 (print)

978-1-920382-06-3 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 172

Price R 265 (print); R 215 (e-book)

Publication Date 2011

South African Language Rights Monitor 2002

The South African Language Rights Monitor (SALRM) Project surveys the mainstream newspapers of South Africa with a view to compile annual reports on the developments on the language front in the country. While the main focus is on language rights and language (rights) activism, the yearly Monitor also covers other language-related problems, including name changes and aspects of language promotion.

Author Johan Lubbe, Theo du Plessis, Elbie Truter & Chris Wiegand

ISBN 978-1-920383-29-9 (print)

978-1-920382-05-6 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 130

Price R 215 (print); R 175 (e-book)

Publication Date 2011

Daar ís water / There ís water

This unique trilingual publication offers a traveller’s view of the people of the Xhariep and their daily lives. The book results from a research project in the southern Free State, ‘Multilingualism for Empowerment’, that was undertaken with the financial assistance of the Province of Antwerp in Flanders, Belgium, and in collaboration with the University of Antwerp. The book entails a collection of journal entries, photographs, interview material and background information recorded by Lut Teck, a Flemish member of the research team, during her field work in the area.

Author Lut Teck

ISBN 978-1-920382-51-3 (print)

978-1-920382-52-0 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Conference

Format Softcover

Page count 44 & 44

Price R 165 (print); R 135  (e-book)

Publication Date 2013

Handleiding vir meertalige tekens / Manual for multilingual signs

This manual provides practical guidelines on why and how to erect multilingual public signage. Government and private institutions, as well as sign designers, will find this manual useful. The manual results from the Multilingual Information Development Programme, a project funded by the Province of Antwerp in Flanders, Belgium, and contributes to the cultivation of a language dispensation in South Africa that is fair and that benefits all of its inhabitants.

Author Chrismi-Rinda Loth, Joan-Marié Steenkamp & Theodorus du Plessis

ISBN 978-1-920382-49-0 (print)

978-1-920382-50-6 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Conference

Format Softcover

Page count 24 & 24

Price R 190 (print); R 155 (e-book)

Publication Date 2013

Jihad: A South African Perspective

What are the factors which have made South Africa so appealing to terrorist and radical islamic organisations? What role has South Africa played within global Jihad?
This book examines how South Africa has come to play a major role in global terror networks stemming from growing criminality and corruption within state structures. It also examines the interaction between local and foreign extremist elements which undermine South Africa’s security.
The author brings the discussion beyond the usual mundane academic treatise to the sharp reality of the global dangers of politicised Islam – a muslim talking candidly about Islam.

Author Hussein Solomon

ISBN 978-1-920382-30-8 (print)

978-1-920382-31-5 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 139

Price R 215 (print); R 175 (e-book)

Publication Date 2013

Religion and Politics in Swaziland: The contributions of Dr J.B. Mzizi

The author offers a candid reflection on the interface between politics and religion in Swaziland by reflecting on the works of Joshua Mzizi. The strength of the book lies in the fact that the author, a public theologian, gives insight into the bigger story – the interface between politics and religion in Africa.

Author R. Simangaliso Kumalo

ISBN  978-1-920382-29-2 (print)

978-1-920382-23-0 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 360

Price R 440 (print); R 355 (e-book)

Publication Date 2013

Sexuality, Society & Pedagogy

Sexuality, Society and Pedagogy problematises some of the prevailing assumptions that frame this area of study. In doing so, it aims to make visible the challenges of teaching sexuality education in South African schools, while demonstrating its potential for reshaping our conceptions of the social and cultural representations thereof. Although the book is largely situated in experiences and perspectives within the South African context, it is hoped that the questions raised, reflections, analyses and arguments will contribute to thinking about sexuality education in diverse contexts, in particular more developing contexts.

Editor Dennis A. Francis

ISBN 978-1-920382-43-8 (print)

978-1-920382-44-5 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 152

Price R 240 (print); R 195 (e-book)

Publication Date 2013

The World of Work: Challenges for South African students

Work has always been part of man’s history and a crucial factor in social organisation. According to the traditional career development perspective, work is viewed as having many dimensions or functions. The intention of this book is to highlight challenges faced by students when they are ‘ready’ to enter the world of work after leaving school or after finishing tertiary education.

Author M.C. Lebitso

ISBN 978-1-920382-12-4 (print)

978-1-920382-15-5 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Conference

Format Softcover

Page count 61

Price R 150 (print); R 125 (e-book)

Publication Date 2012

Transforming Theological Knowledge: Essays on theology and the university after apartheid

A number of outstanding public intellectuals such as Jonathan Jansen, Crain Soudien and Lis Lange have been invited to present papers to clarify the conceptual challenge and what this might entail for theology. Well-known theologians such as Conrad Wethmar, Allan Boesak and Martin Prozesky reflect on the nature of theology and religion at universities amidst social exigencies. Two international theologians – Harold Attridge from the prestigious Yale Divinity School and Bram van de Beek from the Free University of Amsterdam – share their experiences of institutions that exemplify excellence and ecumenical openness.

Author Rian Venter & Francois Tolmie

ISBN 978-1-920382-25-4 (print)

978-1-920382-26-1 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 155

Price R 240 (print); R 195 (e-book)

Publication Date 2012

Spirit and Healing in Africa: A Reformed pneumatological perspective

There is a great need for healing in Africa. This need is in itself no different elsewhere in the world, but it is greatly determined by the involvement of religious communities and traditions. Faith communities and religious institutions play a major role in assisting African believers to find health, healing and completeness in everyday life.

Author Deborah van den Bosch-Heij

ISBN 978-1-920382-17-9 (print)

978-1-920382-18-6 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Conference

Format Softcover

Page count 320

Price R 415 (print); R 335 (e-book)

Publication Date 2012

Southern African Geomorphology: Recent Trends and New Directions

This book covers the geomorphology and landscape evolution of South Africa, focusing on arid landscapes, fluvial systems, karst, Quaternary landscapes, macro-scale geomorphic evolution, coastal geomorphology and applied geomorphology. It would appeal to postgraduate students in Physical Geography (Geomorphology) and Physical Geology and all academics in the earth sciences.

Author Peter Holmes & Michael Meadows

ISBN 978-1-920382-02-5 (print)

978-1-920382-36-0 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 431

Price R 415 (print); R 335 (e-book)

Publication Date 2012

Seven Imperatives for Success in Research

Understanding what research is all about is a prerequisite for any researcher… To succeed in the long term, it is important to plan one’s career based on aspirations and competencies, as well as on the ability to develop one’s skills, including planning skills.

Author Ulrich D. Holzbaur, Laetus O.K. Lategan, Karin Dyason & Deseré Kokt

ISBN 978-1-920382-13-1 (print)

978-1-920382-14-8 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 85

Price R 200 (print); R 165 (e-book)

Publication Date 2012

A Practical Guide to Guest House Management

Guest houses attract both local and international tourists and aim at providing them with a taste of local food and hospitality. This creates job opportunities and revenue for local regions. As the successful managing and running of a guest house has its own set of challenges, the intention of this book is to provide a practical guide to assist both guest house owners and managers in managing their establishments effectively. The book is divided into seven themes: the law, management principles, financial management, marketing, accommodation and front office management, planning the breakfast menu, and intercultural differences.

Author Deseré Kokt

ISBN 978-1-920382-19-3 (print)

978-1-920382-20-9 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 152

Price R 290 (print); R 235 (e-book)

Publication Date 2012

Politics and higher education in East Africa from the 1920s to 1970

The main objective of this book is to establish the salient reasons why higher education was developed in East Africa and specifically why the Federal University of East Africa was constituted. The book will identify the factors responsible for the collapse of this regional institution in June 1970. Another objective of this book is to demonstrate how the history of the University of East Africa sheds light on colonial and post-colonial policies on education, especially higher education, as a contribution to educational planning in contemporary Africa.

Author Bhekithemba R. Mngomezulu

ISBN 978-1-920382-11-7 (print)

978-1-920382-24-7 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 262

Price R 340 (print); R 275 (e-book)

Publication Date 2012

New hope for the poor: A perspective on the church in informal settlements in Africa

Empowering the poor remains an essential part of the Christian Gospel. The way in which the absolute poor in informal settlements in Africa can be empowered by the message of the Bible, needs to be researched. During research completed in informal settlements near Bloemfontein, Free State Province, South Africa, it has been established that the churches present in the situation are best equipped to relate to the poor and interpret the message of the Bible to them.

Author Pieter Verster

ISBN 978-1-920383-01-8 (print)

978-1-920382-09-4 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 139

Price R 240 (print); R 195 (e-book)

Publication Date 2012

Multilingualism and the Public Sector in South Africa

This book contributes to the discourse on language in South Africa with a specific focus on multilingualism and the public sector.

Author M. Mwaniki

ISBN  978-1-920383-24-4 (print)

978-1-920383-25-1 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 209

Price R 290 (print); R 235 (e-book)

Publication Date 2012

Law, Language and the Multilingual State

The theme of the conference, “Language, Law and the Multilingual State”, was determined to investigate the state-juridical challenges facing multilingual societies. Several related issues were addressed, such as minority and indigenous languages, globalisation and diversity, language rights, language ideology and language legislation.

Author Claudine Brohy, Theo du Plessis, Joseph-G. Turi & José Woehrling

ISBN 978-1-920382-21-6 (print)

978-1-920382-22-3 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Conference

Format Softcover

Page count 332

Price R 465 (print); R 375 (e-book)

Publication Date 2012

Doing Research: Revised Edition

This book is written by authors with a passion for research development, with the purpose of giving novice researchers a holistic view of what they will encounter when doing research. The interplay between scientific theory, academic research and professional practice is highlighted, as these are considered the cornerstones to be mastered as early as possible in a young researcher’s career.

Editor Laetus O.K. Lategan, Liezel Lues & Hesta Friedrich-Nel

ISBN 978-1-920383-13-8 (print)

978-1-920383-23-7 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 140

Price R 210 (print); R 170 (e-book)

Publication Date 2011

From Technology Transfer to Intercultural Development: Understanding Technology and Development in a Globalising World

The central theme of this book is the intercultural development of technology in a globalising world. Migration, tourism, information and communication technology and international trade stimulate the encounter between cultures, leading to a totally new social configuration on a worldwide scale.

Editor Jan van der Stoep & Sytse Strijbos

ISBN 978-1-920383-28-2 (print)

978-1-920382-04-9 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 163

Price R 265 (print); R 215 (e-book)

Publication Date 2011

Response-ability in the era of AIDS: Building social capital in community care and support

The aim of this book is to disseminate the results of research, and to inform, inspire and create a platform for debate between practitioners, academics, researchers, trainers and facilitators interested in addressing community needs in terms of HIV/AIDS and support.

Editor W. Dageid, Y. Sliep, O. Akintola & F. Duckert

ISBN 978-1-920383-14-5 (print)

978-1-920383-26-8 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 299

Price R 390 (print); R 315 (e-book)

Publication Date 2011

The Spirituality of Black Hebrew Pentecostals

The spirituality of Black Hebrew Pentecostalism is a rich tradition that has been hidden from the view of scholars. With the new interest in spirituality forming the background to this title, the author attempts to enlighten readers about this tradition.

Author Fred G. Sherron

ISBN 978-1-920383-03-9 (print)

978-1-920383-15-2 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 217

Price R 315 (print); R 225 (e-book)

Publication Date 2010

Sesotho Plant and Animal Names and Plants used by the Basotho

This book is an important contribution to the cultural heritage of southern Africa and Lesotho. For the first time, all the Sesotho names for plants and animals are included in one volume, which also accurately records all the plants that are known to be used by the Basotho for food, medicine and traditional practices, together with their correct botanical identities. It will undoubtedly become a standard reference work and valuable resource for future students and academics.

Author Rodney Moffett

ISBN 978-1-920383-08-4 (print)

978-1-920383-20-6 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 306

Price R 340 (print); R 275 (e-book)

Publication Date 2010

The Role of Livestock in Developing Communities: Enhancing Multifunctionality

The book provides critical information and knowledge on the importance of livestock in the global effort to alleviate poverty and promote human health. It describes and evaluates case studies, examines theoretical frameworks, and discusses key global policy development issues, challenges and constraints related to smallholder livestock-production systems around the globe. The book is written for academic professionals, industry experts, government officials and other scholars interested in the facts and issues concerning the contribution of livestock to the social and economic progress of developing countries.

Author Frans Swanepoel, Aldo Stroebel & Siboniso Moyo

ISBN 978-0-868867-98-4 (print)

978-1-928424-81-9 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 214

Price R 280 (print); R 220 (e-book)

Publication Date 2010

Praxis towards sustainable empowering learning environments in South Africa

This collection presents some of the best peer-reviewed papers from a conference with the theme “Creating sustainable empowering learning environments through scholarship of engagement”.

Author Dennis Francis, Sechaba Mahlomaholo & Milton Nkoane

ISBN 978-1-920383-07-7 (print)

978-1-920383-19-0 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 352

Price R 440 (print); R 355 (e-book)

Publication Date 2010

A Century of Postgraduate Anglo Boer War (1988-1902) Studies

This study provides students, historians, other academics and scholars, as well as other researchers and anyone interested in the history of the Anglo-Boer War, with as comprehensive a list as possible of all postgraduate studies completed on any conceivable aspect of the war, as well as any other postgraduate studies which refer, to some extent, to the conflict.

Author André Wessels

ISBN 978-1-920383-09-1 (print)

978-1-920382-16-2 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 205

Price R 290 (print); R 235 (e-book)

Publication Date 2010

Kerk en orde vandag: Met die klem op die NG Kerk

Kerk en orde vandag konsentreer op temas wat oor die hele spektrum van die gereformeerde kerkreg versprei lê en probeer om relevante agtergrondinligting vir al die artikels van die kerkorde van die NG Kerk te verskaf.
“Die skrywer lewer bewys dat hy ervare is, en uitstekend op die hoogte van al die temas en onderwerpe is, persoonlike ervaring daarvan het, en dat hy krities en apologeties daaroor kan skryf.” – Prof. Andries le Roux du Plooy, Fakulteit Teologie, Noordwes Universiteit

Author Piet Strauss

ISBN 978-1-920383-10-7 (print)

978-1-920383-21-3 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 168

Price R 265 (print); R 215 (e-book)

Publication Date 2010

Hendrik M. Goudappel 'reader' over de urbanistiek en planologie

Hierdie bundel bevat 14 van Goudappel se belangrikste publikasies oor die Urbanistiek soos wat dit in Nederlands (13) of Engels (1) verskyn het. Samesteller is prof Das Steÿn van die Vrystaatse Universiteit in Bloemfontein en voormalige voorsitter van die departement Stads- en Streekbeplanning en tans redakteur van Stads- en Streekbeplanning. Hy doen in jaar 1983 navorsing (“research”) oor Inspraak onder Goudappel se leiding aan Eindhoven en verwerf ’n PhD aan die UOVS met titel “Publieke deelname as ’n kulturele determinant in beplanning binne die denkkader van die urbanistiekkonsep”. Hy vind die urbanistiekkonsep handig en kreatief by probleem oplossing en het dit die laaste 25 jaar gebruik in sy navorsing asook om te doseer as deel van beplanningsteorie aan die Vrystaatse Universiteit se nagraadse opleiding vir beplanners.

Editor Das Steÿn

ISBN 978-1-920383-02-2 (print)

978-1-928424-80-2 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 227

Price R 280 (print); R 240 (e-book)

Publication Date 2009

Modelling as Research Methodology

Modelling as Research Methodology is written for the scientist and student researching the (expected) functioning of systems under specified conditions. As such, it represents an introduction to the use of modelling in natural, human and economical sciences.
The book is divided into two sections. The first section illustrates the universal nature of modelling as aid to the researcher. In the second section, several typical examples of modelling are described.

Author G.D. Jordaan & Laetus O.K. Lategan

ISBN 978-1-920383-05-3 (print)

978-1-920383-17-6 (e-book)


Imprint SunBonani Scholar

Format Softcover

Page count 159

Price R 240 (print); R 195 (e-book)

Publication Date 2006

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